Be sure to note that there are terms & conditions relating to the provision and use of Winch Websites services, as detailed in the links below.
We do recommend that you adopt your own Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on your own website. Search engines give credit for including these eg. in your website footer, as it is a (small) mark of authenticity ie. fly-by-nighters supposedly won’t bother.
If you do adapt a Privacy Policy or Terms of Use to your own website, make sure you read through and replace anything that needs replacing!
Acceptable Use Policy
What you can and cannot do with the services provided by Winch Websites.
Terms of Use
A more general description of doing business with Winch Websites – payments, what happens to non-payment, our responsibilities and yours, etc.
Privacy Policy
Winch Websites is not interested in selling your information, nor in using it other than for our own internal marketing and business management purposes.
Cookie Policy
Like the vast majority of modern websites, Winch Websites uses “cookies” to make the website more interactive, collect statistics, and improve your experiences while here. Your website should be using them too, for the same reasons.