Air Taxi Vanuatu
Website Revamp
Air Taxi Vanuatu suffered greatly from the country’s long closure to tourists during the Covid pandemic. A website overhaul added visual impact and drama, aiming to stir desire in visitors to experience a truly unique trip – and making it easy to take action.
The end goal? To revitalise tourism income and grow the country’s appeal as a destination with something special.
Project Details
Client: Air Taxi Vanuatu
Notable Feature
First Impressions
Air Taxi Vanuatu wanted a more impactful first-view for website visitors, and in particular were keen on a background video.
It’s important to be careful with background video, especially on the Home Page, for performance and device-compatibility reasons. In this case, there is definitely a payoff for a slightly slower page load (even after highly optimising the video) in exchange for the wow-factor of a volcanic explosion.
Speaking personally, a volcano tour in Vanuatu is right up there as one of life’s most impressive experiences. This header section puts across just a touch of what you can expect.