Enhanced Power Virtual Office Assistance

Site Makeover & Refresh

In 2017, Roneta added a significant new service to her virtual office assistance business – as an officially accredited Business Activity Statement (BAS) Agent, she is authorised by the Tax Practitioners Board to prepare and lodge a BAS on behalf of a business. No mean feat, it’s not an easy accreditation to achieve.

So to reflect that new capability, Roneta wanted to update her website to make “BAS Agent” high profile. The site was originally created around 5 years prior, so was certainly due for a modernisation and update.

The new website features a clear statement on Roneta’s “What”, a repeated Call To Action (“Get In Touch”) plus quick-and-easy information on why Roneta’s services provide a growing small business with great value. Extra details are provided on the range of services and Roneta’s “Why”.

This is a website to generate leads – focussed on local small businesses that are feeling growing pains and looking for administrative help without the trouble of employees. The personal touch and involvement is also key to the feel of the website.

Project Details

Client : Enhanced Power Virtual Office Assistance
Date : March 2018
Brief : Website makeover
View : enhancedpower.com.au

Before & After

Use the slider-bar in the middle to compare the Enhanced Power website before the revamp to after the revamp;

Enhanced Power website before the revamp Enhanced Power website after the revamp

Notable Feature

Quick Snapshot

The opening statement leaves no doubt about What is on offer, and is immediately followed by information to reinforce Why the service is valuable, and Who it is for. This gets busy people to what they need without wasting time, and with clear Call To Action opportunities throughout. Social reinforcement is included with a testimonials scroller.

Interested in working with us?

Interested in working with us?

Just quickly send us your contact info and what you’re looking for – eg. why you want a website (starting from scratch, remaking an existing one, etc) and any particular features or questions you have in mind.

<form name="insightly_web_to_lead" action="https://googleapps.insight.ly/WebToLead/Create" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="formId" value="yZfvVUI4kYNi98miu9+atw==" /><label for="insightly_firstName">First Name: </label><br /><input id="insightly_firstName" name="FirstName" type="text"/><br/><label for="insightly_lastName">Last Name: </label><br /><input id="insightly_lastName" name="LastName" type="text"/><br/><label for="insightly_organization">Organisation: </label><br /><input id="insightly_organization" name="OrganizationName" type="text"/><br/><label for="insightly_industry">Industry: </label><br /><input id="insightly_Industry" name="Industry" type="text"/><br/><br /><label for="email">Email: </label><br /><input id="insightly_Email" name="email" type="text"/><br/><label for="phone">Phone: </label><br /><input id="insightly_Phone" name="phone" type="text"/><br/><br /><label for="Description">Briefly tell me what you want from a website: </label><br /><input id="insightly_Description" name="Description" type="textbox" style="height:100px; width:100%;"/><br/><input type="hidden" id="insightly_ResponsibleUser" name="ResponsibleUser" value="1250783"/><input type="hidden" id="insightly_LeadSource" name="LeadSource" value="1455128"/><input type="submit" value="Submit"></form>