Will Binks Massage

Will Binks Massage website on devices

Full Service-Description Site

As a remdial massage therapist, Will Binks offers a number of specialist massage modalities – the site includes full descriptions of each. The major Call To Action is to make a booking via a (linked) online portal or to make a phone call to discuss what would best suit the client.

Project Details

Client : Will Binks Massage
Date : October 2017
Brief : New site
View : willbinksmassage.me

Notable Feature

Dedicated Pages

Each massage ‘modality’ has its own page, with a full description of what it entails and when Will Binks will use it. Great for humans to understand what each one is about, but also great for search engines.

Interested in working with us?

Interested in working with us?

Just quickly send us your contact info and what you’re looking for – eg. why you want a website (starting from scratch, remaking an existing one, etc) and any particular features or questions you have in mind.

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