Going Concern

Going Concern website

Going Concern

A search-engine-focussed copywriter’s site, outlining the services available and the customers served. The writer’s blog not only communicates his varied writing styles and sense of humour, it also educates on where a copywriter can be useful – all of which is great for search engine rankings.

Project Details

Client : Going Concern
Date : December 2016
Brief : Modernise website

Notable Feature

Lists with graphic bullet points

Fancy Lists

Move on from the old dot-point in lists – use images that add interest and reinforce the reason for the list. In this case, green ticks as positive indicators of services provided. Small graphics like this can be used in all sorts of places to add visual interest.

Easy Form

Quick and easy Contact Us form – also easy to customise to collect other information you need (bearing in mind you want to keep things to a minimum so people don’t get put off).

Easy contact form

Interested in working with us?

Just quickly send us your contact info and what you’re looking for – eg. why you want a website (starting from scratch, remaking an existing one, etc) and any particular features or questions you have in mind.

<form name="insightly_web_to_lead" action="https://googleapps.insight.ly/WebToLead/Create" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="formId" value="yZfvVUI4kYNi98miu9+atw==" /><label for="insightly_firstName">First Name: </label><br /><input id="insightly_firstName" name="FirstName" type="text"/><br/><label for="insightly_lastName">Last Name: </label><br /><input id="insightly_lastName" name="LastName" type="text"/><br/><label for="insightly_organization">Organisation: </label><br /><input id="insightly_organization" name="OrganizationName" type="text"/><br/><label for="insightly_industry">Industry: </label><br /><input id="insightly_Industry" name="Industry" type="text"/><br/><br /><label for="email">Email: </label><br /><input id="insightly_Email" name="email" type="text"/><br/><label for="phone">Phone: </label><br /><input id="insightly_Phone" name="phone" type="text"/><br/><br /><label for="Description">Briefly tell me what you want from a website: </label><br /><input id="insightly_Description" name="Description" type="textbox" style="height:100px;"/><br/><input type="hidden" id="insightly_ResponsibleUser" name="ResponsibleUser" value="1250783"/><input type="hidden" id="insightly_LeadSource" name="LeadSource" value="1455128"/><input type="submit" value="Submit"></form>