Community Newspapers Association of Victoria

Community Newspapers Association of Australia (CNAV)

Website Recovery

Lost a new website to hackers (not great security, no backups). Rebuilt from scratch, this time with enhanced security, weekly off-server backups, and ongoing maintenance – and as a bonus, additional functionality such as a member database listing details for every community newspaper member, and online application and renewal forms. Every cloud has a silver lining!

Project Details

Client : CNAV
Date : June 2016
Brief : Website rebuild
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Notable Feature

Member Map

A customised zoomable map (by Google Maps) showing the location of each newspaper-member with a pin. Alphabetical listing of all members (grouped in ‘tabs’) makes easy & quick access to the details for a newspaper.

Flickr Photo Integration

Rather than store hundreds of photos in the webhosting account, filling it up and slowing it down, CNAV has a Flickr online-photos account (keep ALL your photos online, free!). These are integrated into the website, grouped for each annual conference, showing as a slideshow. Easy.

Interested in working with us?

Just quickly send us your contact info and what you’re looking for – eg. why you want a website (starting from scratch, remaking an existing one, etc) and any particular features or questions you have in mind.

<form name="insightly_web_to_lead" action="" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="formId" value="yZfvVUI4kYNi98miu9+atw==" /><label for="insightly_firstName">First Name: </label><br /><input id="insightly_firstName" name="FirstName" type="text"/><br/><label for="insightly_lastName">Last Name: </label><br /><input id="insightly_lastName" name="LastName" type="text"/><br/><label for="insightly_organization">Organisation: </label><br /><input id="insightly_organization" name="OrganizationName" type="text"/><br/><label for="insightly_industry">Industry: </label><br /><input id="insightly_Industry" name="Industry" type="text"/><br/><br /><label for="email">Email: </label><br /><input id="insightly_Email" name="email" type="text"/><br/><label for="phone">Phone: </label><br /><input id="insightly_Phone" name="phone" type="text"/><br/><br /><label for="Description">Briefly tell me what you want from a website: </label><br /><input id="insightly_Description" name="Description" type="textbox" style="height:100px;"/><br/><input type="hidden" id="insightly_ResponsibleUser" name="ResponsibleUser" value="1250783"/><input type="hidden" id="insightly_LeadSource" name="LeadSource" value="1455128"/><input type="submit" value="Submit"></form>